Sunday, August 16, 2015

Confidence in a job interview

Who isn’t nervous during a job interview?  Even the most self-assured candidate is going 
to have a moment or two of self-doubt.  But the trick is to keep this to yourself and 
portray an image of confidence.  This is what a potential employer wants to see if you are 
not confident in your own abilities why should they be.  Here are a few ways to exude 

Make eye contact, nothing is more of a dead give away of poor self-confidence than a 
person that will not look someone in the eye.  Walk up to your interviewer, extend your 
hand and look in them in the eye when you greet them and express your pleasure of 
meeting them.  And don’t beat around the bush when you are talking.  Saying thinks like, 
“Well, I kind of helped with a project but I didn’t run it myself,” screams I do not think I 
am worthy of this position.  Instead, say this, “I assisted in a very successful project and 
played a key role in bringing it to completion.”  Your role in the project may not have 
changed the perception the interviewer has of you has.

If you haven’t been on very many interviews or it has been some time since you last 
attended one, it is understandable to be nervous.  The more interviews you complete, the 
more confidence you will gain in your abilities to sell yourself.  And you have to 
remember that if you were not qualified you would not have gotten the interview in the 
first place.  Use that knowledge to your advantage and instill confidence in yourself.  As 
a back-up measure, get some friends or family members to remind you of all of your 
great traits and what makes you special – an ego boost before an interview can certainly 
boost your confidence level.

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