References No matter what job that you are applying for the prospective employer will want to see professional references. The norm is to have at least 3 references available to give when you apply for a job. The references need to be of a profession not personal nature. This means that your references should be people that you have worked with and not family and friends. In today’s work field, it is often hard to get professional references. Many jobs tell employees that they may not give references to people that have worked for them. There are ways to get references.
There are coworkers and supervisors that you are working with that will ignore the rules and give you a reference. You need to be discreet when you ask them to do this for you. Make sure that you are willing to do the same for them if they should need references at some point. It never hurts to ask someone to see if they would be willing to be one of your references. You can ask people that you have volunteered with to be your reference. These people have seen your work ethic and can talk about your time management and dedication to what you are doing. These are great attributes for a reference to be able to speak to. If you do not have a previous job to go back to for references, you can always use people in your schooling. You can ask teachers and counsellors in your school to be a reference for you. The most important thing to remember when making a list of references is to ask the person that you want to use first. You need to ask people before you list them as a reference for your new job.